Danny McCormick 78148dae50
Add auth support (#21)
* Updates

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Yarn sometimes prefers npmrc, so use same token

* Description

* Update readme

* Feedback

* Add type

* new toolkit and scoped registries

* npmrc in RUNNER_TEMP

* Dont always auth

* Try exporting blank token

* Get auth working for now pending runner changes

* Fix string interpolation for auth token.

* Don't export both userconfigs

* Update authutil.js

* Add single quotes for authString

* Fix the registry string.

* Use userconfig and append trailing slash

* Keep in root of repo

* Try just adding auth token

* Remove auth token

* Try changes again

* Add tests

* Npm and GPR samples

* Add types
2019-08-06 18:26:04 -04:00

57 lines
2.2 KiB

"Failure Tests":{
"id" : "thing",
"var" : "value",
"hello" : "Hello World!",
"with space" : "fail",
" leading_space" : "Hi!",
"trailing_space " : "Bye!",
"empty" : "",
"path" : "/foo/bar",
"x" : "1024",
"y" : "768",
"list" : ["red", "green", "blue"],
"keys" : { "semi" : ";", "dot" : ".", "comma" : ","},
"example" : "red",
"searchTerms" : "uri templates",
"~thing" : "some-user",
"default-graph-uri" : ["http://www.example/book/","http://www.example/papers/"],
"query" : "PREFIX dc: <> SELECT ?book ?who WHERE { ?book dc:creator ?who }"
[ "{/id*", false ],
[ "/id*}", false ],
[ "{/?id}", false ],
[ "{var:prefix}", false ],
[ "{hello:2*}", false ] ,
[ "{??hello}", false ] ,
[ "{!hello}", false ] ,
[ "{with space}", false],
[ "{ leading_space}", false],
[ "{trailing_space }", false],
[ "{=path}", false ] ,
[ "{$var}", false ],
[ "{|var*}", false ],
[ "{*keys?}", false ],
[ "{?empty=default,var}", false ],
[ "{var}{-prefix|/-/|var}" , false ],
[ "?q={searchTerms}&amp;c={example:color?}" , false ],
[ "x{?empty|foo=none}" , false ],
[ "/h{#hello+}" , false ],
[ "/h#{hello+}" , false ],
[ "{keys:1}", false ],
[ "{+keys:1}", false ],
[ "{;keys:1*}", false ],
[ "?{-join|&|var,list}" , false ],
[ "/people/{~thing}", false],
[ "/{default-graph-uri}", false ],
[ "/sparql{?query,default-graph-uri}", false ],
[ "/sparql{?query){&default-graph-uri*}", false ],
[ "/resolution{?x, y}" , false ]