# Building a release This is a quick document to walk through the process of building and releasing. ## Building the version - Create a new branch [vMajor.Minor.Revision] for the version from `dev` - Make changes in the new branch - Build the branch/package - `npm install` - `npm run build` - `npm run pack` - Prune the dependencies to only production - `npm prune --production` - Uncomment `node_modules` in `.gitignore` **for this branch only** - Commit the changes to the branch - Push the new version branch - `git push origin [vMajor.Minor.Revision]` ## Releasing the new version - Draft a new release to [vMajor.Minor.Revision] ## Update major version tag If the update is non-breaking and the major version binding you can update the version tag to make the new release available to those binding to the major version tag ([GitHub Actions Versioning](https://github.com/actions/toolkit/blob/master/docs/action-versioning.md)). Do this from the version branch after push (using a v1 tag as example only here) ``` git tag -fa v1 -m "Update v1 tag" git push origin v1 --force ```