import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as github from '@actions/github'; import * as xmlbuilder from 'xmlbuilder'; import * as xmlParser from 'fast-xml-parser'; import {ProcessEnvOptions} from 'child_process'; export function configAuthentication( feedUrl: string, existingFileLocation: string = '', processRoot: string = process.cwd() ) { const existingNuGetConfig: string = path.resolve( processRoot, existingFileLocation === '' ? getExistingNugetConfig(processRoot) : existingFileLocation ); const tempNuGetConfig: string = path.resolve( processRoot, '../', 'nuget.config' ); writeFeedToFile(feedUrl, existingNuGetConfig, tempNuGetConfig); } function isValidKey(key: string): boolean { return /^[\w\-\.]+$/i.test(key); } function getExistingNugetConfig(processRoot: string) { const defaultConfigName = 'nuget.config'; const configFileNames = fs .readdirSync(processRoot) .filter(filename => filename.toLowerCase() === defaultConfigName); if (configFileNames.length) { return configFileNames[0]; } return defaultConfigName; } function writeFeedToFile( feedUrl: string, existingFileLocation: string, tempFileLocation: string ) { console.log( `dotnet-auth: Finding any source references in ${existingFileLocation}, writing a new temporary configuration file with credentials to ${tempFileLocation}` ); let xml: xmlbuilder.XMLElement; let sourceKeys: string[] = []; let owner: string = core.getInput('owner'); let sourceUrl: string = feedUrl; if (!owner) { owner = github.context.repo.owner; } if (!process.env.NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN || process.env.NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN == '') { throw new Error( 'The NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable was not provided. In this step, add the following: \r\nenv:\r\n NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}' ); } if (fs.existsSync(existingFileLocation)) { // get key from existing NuGet.config so NuGet/dotnet can match credentials const curContents: string = fs.readFileSync(existingFileLocation, 'utf8'); var json = xmlParser.parse(curContents, {ignoreAttributes: false}); if (typeof json.configuration == 'undefined') { throw new Error(`The provided NuGet.config seems invalid.`); } if (typeof json.configuration.packageSources != 'undefined') { if (typeof json.configuration.packageSources.add != 'undefined') { // file has at least one if (typeof json.configuration.packageSources.add[0] == 'undefined') { // file has only one if ( json.configuration.packageSources.add['@_value'] .toLowerCase() .includes(feedUrl.toLowerCase()) ) { let key = json.configuration.packageSources.add['@_key']; sourceKeys.push(key); core.debug(`Found a URL with key ${key}`); } } else { // file has 2+ for ( let i = 0; i < json.configuration.packageSources.add.length; i++ ) { const source = json.configuration.packageSources.add[i]; const value = source['@_value']; core.debug(`source '${value}'`); if (value.toLowerCase().includes(feedUrl.toLowerCase())) { let key = source['@_key']; sourceKeys.push(key); core.debug(`Found a URL with key ${key}`); } } } } } } xml = xmlbuilder .create('configuration') .ele('config') .ele('add', {key: 'defaultPushSource', value: sourceUrl}) .up() .up(); if (sourceKeys.length == 0) { let keystring = 'Source'; xml = xml .ele('packageSources') .ele('add', {key: keystring, value: sourceUrl}) .up() .up(); sourceKeys.push(keystring); } xml = xml.ele('packageSourceCredentials'); sourceKeys.forEach(key => { if (!isValidKey(key)) { throw new Error( "Source name can contain letters, numbers, and '-', '_', '.' symbols only. Please, fix source name in NuGet.config and try again." ); } xml = xml .ele(key) .ele('add', {key: 'Username', value: owner}) .up() .ele('add', { key: 'ClearTextPassword', value: process.env.NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN }) .up() .up(); }); // If NuGet fixes itself such that on Linux it can look for environment variables in the config file (it doesn't seem to work today), // use this for the value above // process.platform == 'win32' // ? '%NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN%' // : '$NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN' var output = xml.end({pretty: true}); fs.writeFileSync(tempFileLocation, output); }