import * as core from '@actions/core'; import {DotnetCoreInstaller} from './installer'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import semver from 'semver'; import * as auth from './authutil'; const qualityOptions = [ 'daily', 'signed', 'validated', 'preview', 'ga' ] as const; export type QualityOptions = (typeof qualityOptions)[number]; export async function run() { try { // // dotnet-version is optional, but needs to be provided for most use cases. // If supplied, install / use from the tool cache. // global-version-file may be specified to point to a specific global.json // and will be used to install an additional version. // If not supplied, look for version in ./global.json. // If a valid version still can't be identified, nothing will be installed. // Proxy, auth, (etc) are still set up, even if no version is identified // const versions = core.getMultilineInput('dotnet-version'); const installedDotnetVersions: (string | null)[] = []; const globalJsonFileInput = core.getInput('global-json-file'); if (globalJsonFileInput) { const globalJsonPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), globalJsonFileInput); if (!fs.existsSync(globalJsonPath)) { throw new Error( `The specified global.json file '${globalJsonFileInput}' does not exist` ); } versions.push(getVersionFromGlobalJson(globalJsonPath)); } if (!versions.length) { // Try to fall back to global.json core.debug('No version found, trying to find version from global.json'); const globalJsonPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'global.json'); if (fs.existsSync(globalJsonPath)) { versions.push(getVersionFromGlobalJson(globalJsonPath)); } else { `A global.json wasn't found in the root directory. No .NET version will be installed.` ); } } if (versions.length) { const quality = core.getInput('dotnet-quality') as QualityOptions; if (quality && !qualityOptions.includes(quality)) { throw new Error( `Value '${quality}' is not supported for the 'dotnet-quality' option. Supported values are: daily, signed, validated, preview, ga.` ); } let dotnetInstaller: DotnetCoreInstaller; const uniqueVersions = new Set(versions); for (const version of uniqueVersions) { dotnetInstaller = new DotnetCoreInstaller(version, quality); const installedVersion = await dotnetInstaller.installDotnet(); installedDotnetVersions.push(installedVersion); } DotnetCoreInstaller.addToPath(); } const sourceUrl: string = core.getInput('source-url'); const configFile: string = core.getInput('config-file'); if (sourceUrl) { auth.configAuthentication(sourceUrl, configFile); } outputInstalledVersion(installedDotnetVersions, globalJsonFileInput); const matchersPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', '.github');`##[add-matcher]${path.join(matchersPath, 'csc.json')}`); } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message); } } function getVersionFromGlobalJson(globalJsonPath: string): string { let version = ''; const globalJson = JSON.parse( // .trim() is necessary to strip BOM fs.readFileSync(globalJsonPath, {encoding: 'utf8'}).trim() ); if (globalJson.sdk && globalJson.sdk.version) { version = globalJson.sdk.version; const rollForward = globalJson.sdk.rollForward; if (rollForward && rollForward === 'latestFeature') { const [major, minor] = version.split('.'); version = `${major}.${minor}`; } } return version; } function outputInstalledVersion( installedVersions: (string | null)[], globalJsonFileInput: string ): void { if (!installedVersions.length) {`The 'dotnet-version' output will not be set.`); return; } if (installedVersions.includes(null)) { core.warning( `Failed to output the installed version of .NET. The 'dotnet-version' output will not be set.` ); return; } if (globalJsonFileInput) { const versionToOutput =; core.setOutput('dotnet-version', versionToOutput); return; } const versionToOutput = semver.maxSatisfying( installedVersions as string[], '*', { includePrerelease: true } ); core.setOutput('dotnet-version', versionToOutput); } run();