2023-05-29 17:43:18 +07:00
import * as cache from '@actions/cache' ;
import * as core from '@actions/core' ;
import * as exec from '@actions/exec' ;
import { cliCommand } from './constants' ;
type NuGetFolderName =
| 'http-cache'
| 'global-packages'
| 'temp'
| 'plugins-cache' ;
/ * *
* Get NuGet global packages , cache , and temp folders from . NET CLI .
* @returns ( Folder Name ) - ( Path ) mappings
* @see https : //docs.microsoft.com/nuget/consume-packages/managing-the-global-packages-and-cache-folders
* @example
* Windows
* ` ` ` json
* {
* "http-cache" : "C:\\Users\\user1\\AppData\\Local\\NuGet\\v3-cache" ,
* "global-packages" : "C:\\Users\\user1\\.nuget\\packages\\" ,
* "temp" : "C:\\Users\\user1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\NuGetScratch" ,
* "plugins-cache" : "C:\\Users\\user1\\AppData\\Local\\NuGet\\plugins-cache"
* }
* ` ` `
* Mac / Linux
* ` ` ` json
* {
* "http-cache" : "/home/user1/.local/share/NuGet/v3-cache" ,
* "global-packages" : "/home/user1/.nuget/packages/" ,
* "temp" : "/tmp/NuGetScratch" ,
* "plugins-cache" : "/home/user1/.local/share/NuGet/plugins-cache"
* }
* ` ` `
* /
export const getNuGetFolderPath = async ( ) = > {
const { stdout , stderr , exitCode } = await exec . getExecOutput (
cliCommand ,
undefined ,
{ ignoreReturnCode : true , silent : true }
) ;
if ( exitCode ) {
throw new Error (
! stderr . trim ( )
? ` The ' ${ cliCommand } ' command failed with exit code: ${ exitCode } `
: stderr
) ;
const result : Record < NuGetFolderName , string > = {
'http-cache' : '' ,
'global-packages' : '' ,
temp : '' ,
'plugins-cache' : ''
} ;
const regex = /(?:^|\s)(?<key>[a-z-]+): (?<path>.+[/\\].+)$/gm ;
let match : RegExpExecArray | null ;
while ( ( match = regex . exec ( stdout ) ) !== null ) {
const key = match . groups ! . key ;
if ( ( key as NuGetFolderName ) in result ) {
result [ key ] = match . groups ! . path ;
return result ;
} ;
export function isCacheFeatureAvailable ( ) : boolean {
if ( cache . isFeatureAvailable ( ) ) {
return true ;
if ( isGhes ( ) ) {
core . warning (
'Cache action is only supported on GHES version >= 3.5. If you are on version >=3.5 Please check with GHES admin if Actions cache service is enabled or not.'
) ;
return false ;
core . warning (
'The runner was not able to contact the cache service. Caching will be skipped'
) ;
return false ;
/ * *
* Returns this action runs on GitHub Enterprise Server or not .
* /
function isGhes ( ) : boolean {
2024-10-22 01:32:55 +07:00
const ghUrl = new URL (
process . env [ 'GITHUB_SERVER_URL' ] || 'https://github.com'
) ;
const hostname = ghUrl . hostname . trimEnd ( ) . toUpperCase ( ) ;
const isGitHubHost = hostname === 'GITHUB.COM' ;
const isGitHubEnterpriseCloudHost = hostname . endsWith ( '.GHE.COM' ) ;
const isLocalHost = hostname . endsWith ( '.LOCALHOST' ) ;
return ! isGitHubHost && ! isGitHubEnterpriseCloudHost && ! isLocalHost ;
2023-05-29 17:43:18 +07:00