/* eslint no-control-regex:0 */ 'use strict'; const packageData = require('./package.json'); const isEnabled = value => !!value && value !== '0' && value !== 'false'; const canUseColor = isEnabled(process.env.npm_config_color); const title = `=== Nodemailer ${packageData.version} ===`; const text = ` Thank you for using Nodemailer for your email sending needs! While Nodemailer itself is mostly meant to be a SMTP client there are other related projects in the Nodemailer project as well. > IMAP API ( https://imapapi.com ) is a server application to easily access IMAP accounts via REST API > ImapFlow ( https://imapflow.com/ ) is an async IMAP client library for Node.js > NodemailerApp ( https://nodemailer.com/app/ ) is a cross platform GUI app to debug emails > Project Pending ( https://projectpending.com/ ) allows you to host DNS of your project domains > Pending DNS ( https://pendingdns.com/ ) is the DNS server used that powers Project Pending > Ethereal Email ( https://ethereal.email/ ) is an email testing service that accepts all your test emails `; const secs = 4; const formatCentered = (row, columns) => { if (columns <= row.length) { return row; } return ' '.repeat(Math.round(columns / 2 - row.length / 2)) + row; }; const formatRow = (row, columns) => { if (row.length <= columns) { return [row]; } // wrap! let lines = []; while (row.length) { if (row.length <= columns) { lines.push(row); break; } let slice = row.substr(0, columns); let prefix = slice.charAt(0) === '>' ? ' ' : ''; let match = slice.match(/(\s+)[^\s]*$/); if (match && match.index) { let line = row.substr(0, match.index); row = prefix + row.substr(line.length + match[1].length); lines.push(line); } else { lines.push(row); break; } } return lines; }; const wrapText = text => { let columns = Number(process.stdout.columns) || 80; columns = Math.min(columns, 80) - 1; return (formatCentered(title, columns) + '\n' + text) .split('\n') .flatMap(row => formatRow(row, columns)) .join('\n'); }; const banner = wrapText(text) .replace(/^/gm, '\u001B[96m') .replace(/$/gm, '\u001B[0m') .replace(/(https:[^\s)]+)/g, '\u001B[94m $1 \u001B[96m'); console.log(canUseColor ? banner : banner.replace(/\u001B\[\d+m/g, '')); if (canUseColor) { process.stdout.write('\u001B[96m'); } setInterval(() => { process.stdout.write('.'); }, 500); setTimeout(() => { if (canUseColor) { process.stdout.write('\u001B[0m\n'); } process.exit(0); }, secs * 1000 + 100);