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2024-08-15 09:31:12 +07:00
# Autoversion-action
This action will detect new version.
### Tagging: Part of a Complete Deployment Solution
This action works well in combination with:
- [actions/create-release]( (Auto-release)
- [author/action-publish]( (Auto-publish JavaScript/Node modules)
- [author/action-rollback]( (Auto-rollback releases on failures)
## Usage
The following is an example `.gitea/workflows/main.yml` that will execute when a `push` to the `master` branch occurs.
name: Detect Tag
- master
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@stable
GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"
To make this work, the workflow must have the checkout action _before_ the autotag action.
This **order** is important!
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@stable
**If the repository is not checked out first, the autotagger cannot find the source files.**
## Configuration
The `GITEA_TOKEN` **must** be provided. Without this, it is not possible to create a new tag. Make sure the autotag action looks like the following example:
- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@stable
GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"
The action will automatically extract the token at runtime. **DO NOT MANUALLY ENTER YOUR TOKEN.** If you put the actual token in your workflow file, you'll make it accessible (in plaintext) to anyone who ever views the repository (it will be in your git history).
## Optional Configuration Options
There are several options to customize how the tag is created.
### root
Depending on the selected strategy, autotagger will look for the confgured identify file (i.e. `package.json`, `composer.json`, `Dockerfile`, etc) in the project root. If the file is located in a subdirectory, this option can be used to point to the correct file.
- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@1.0.0
GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"
strategy: regex # Optional since regex_pattern is defined
root: "/path/to/subdirectory/my.file"
regex_pattern: "version=([0-9\.])"
The version will be extracted by scanning the content of `/path/to/subdirectory/my.file` for a string like `version=1.0.0`. See the `regex_pattern` option for more details.
### regex_pattern
An optional attribute containing the regular expression used to extract the version number.
- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@1.0.0
GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"
regex_pattern: "version=([0-9\.]{5}([-\+][\w\.0-9]+)?)"
This attribute is used as the first argument of a [RegExp]( object. The first "group" (i.e. what's in the main set of parenthesis/the whole version number) will be used as the version number. For an example, see this [working example](
The pattern described in this example is a simplistic one. If you need a more explicit one the [complete semver pattern]( is:
As of `1.1.2`, JavaScript named patterns are supported, where the group named `version` will be used to populate the tag. For example:
- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@1.0.0
GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"
regex_pattern: "(version=)(?<version>[\d+\.]{3}([-\+][\w\.0-9]+)?)"
### tag_prefix
By default, [semantic versioning]( is used, such as `1.0.0`. A prefix can be used to add text before the tag name. For example, if `tag_prefix` is set to `v`, then the tag would be labeled as `v1.0.0`.
- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@1.0.0
GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"
tag_prefix: "v"
### tag_message
This is the annotated commit message associated with the tag. By default, a changelog will be generated from the commits between the latest tag and the current reference (HEAD). Setting this option will override the message.
- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@1.0.0
GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"
tag_message: "Custom message goes here."
### commit_message_template
By default, a changelog is generated, containing the commit messages since the last release. The message is generated by applying a commit message template to each commit's data attributes.
- uses: butlerlogic/action-autotag@1.0.0
GITEA_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }}"
commit_message_template: "({{sha}} by {{author}}) {{message}}"
Optional data points:
1. `number` The commit number (relevant to the overall list)
1. `message` The commit message.
1. `author` The author of the commit.
1. `sha` The SHA value representing the commit.
The default is `{{number}}) {{message}} ({{author}})\nSHA: {{sha}}\n`.
_Example output:_
1) Update (coreybutler)
(SHA: c5e09fc45106a4b27b8f4598fb79811b589a4684)
2) Added metadoc capability to introspect the shell/commands. (coreybutler)
(SHA: b690be366a5636d51b1245a1b39c86102ddb8a81)
## Developer Notes
If you are building an action that runs after this one, be aware this action produces several [outputs](
1. `tagname` will be empty if no tag was created, or it will be the value of the new tag.
1. `tagcreated`: `yes` or `no`.
1. `version` will be the extracted/provided version.