name: "Autotagger" description: "Automatically generate new tags for new versions. Supports several tagging strategies, including package.json, Dockerfiles, and Regex." author: "Butler Logic" branding: icon: "tag" color: "blue" inputs: root: description: Autotag will look for the appropriate file in in this location (relative to project root). required: false default: './' strategy: description: Options include 'package' (for package.json), 'docker' (for Dockerfile), and 'regex' to extract from an arbitrary file. This does not need to be specified if the "regex_pattern" property is provided. required: false default: 'package' package_root: description: (DEPRECATED. Use 'root' instead.) Autotag will look for the package.json file in in this location. required: false tag_prefix: description: By default, package.json uses semantic versioning, such as "1.0.0". A prefix can be used to add text before the tag name. For example, if tag_prefx is set to "v", then the tag would be labeled as "v1.0.0". required: false tag_suffix: description: Text which is applied to the end of the tag. required: false tag_message: description: This is the annotated commit message associated with the tag. By default, a changelog will be generated from the commits between the latest tag and the new tag (HEAD). This will override that with a hard-coded message. required: false version: description: Explicitly set the version here instead of automatically detecting from `package.json`. Useful for non-JavaScript projects where version may be output by a previous action. required: false regex_pattern: description: An optional attribute containing the regular expression used to extract the version number. required: false outputs: tagname: description: Returns the new tag value. Empty if a tag is not created. tagsha: description: The SHA of the new tag. taguri: description: The URI/URL of the new tag reference. tagmessage: description: The messge applied to the tag reference (this is what shows up on the tag screen on Github). version: description: The version, as defined in package.json or explicitly set in the input. tagcreated: description: A "yes" or "no", indicating a new tag was created. runs: using: 'docker' image: 'Dockerfile'